Declaration statuses
While a declaration is being processed, it can go through a number of statuses
Status | Description |
Accepted | The declaration has been legally accepted. |
Amendable | A request has been made to amend the declaration. Now this declaration can be edited and amendment actions can be performed. |
AmendmentError | The request for amendment has been rejected by the connected system. |
Amending | The request for amendment has been sent to the connected system. (only Special Procedures) |
BcpAccepted | (Business Continuity Process) |
BcpNew | (Business Continuity Process) |
BcpQueued | (Business Continuity Process) |
BcpReleased | (Business Continuity Process) |
BcpSubmitted | (Business Continuity Process) |
BcpValidated | (Business Continuity Process) |
ControlRequest | The connected system requested to check and validate the submitted data. (only applicable in CHIEF) |
CreditPending | There is an insufficient balance against a deferred method of payment. The relevant party will need to take action to rectify the situation before the goods can be released. |
CustomsError | The connected system has returned errors after the submission of the declaration. |
CustomsRequestsAmendment | The connected system has requested an amendment of the declaration. |
CustomsRequestsInvalidation | The connected system has requested the invalidation of the declaration. |
Departed | The declaration has been marked as departed. |
Discharged | The declaration can be written off and be considered discharged. |
DocumentControl | One or more documents, related to the declaration, need to be presented. |
ExitConfirmationNotYetReceived | The exit results have not yet been received by the Export system. This could be a trigger to submit an alternative proof of exit. |
ExitConfirmed | The goods have now exited the customs union. |
GoodsArrived | Indicates cargo information is received and used to complete declaration detail. |
GoodsNotArrived | Indicates that the goods have not arrived. |
InProgress | CAS is handling the discharge of the goods and processing additional declarations in order to do so. (only Special Procedures) |
Invalid | The declaration failed against one or more internal validations. |
Invalidated | The declaration has successfully been invalidated. |
Invalidating | The system is processing the invalidation of the declaration. |
InvalidationError | Something went wrong during the invalidation of the declaration. |
New | The declaration has just been created. Deductions have run against it and the validation still needs to happen. |
NonArrivedMovementInfoRequest | The goods did not arrive within the expected timeframe for an outbound transit declaration. |
PhysicalControl | Customs intends to physically examine the goods. This will only be received when the goods are on hand. |
ProviderError | There was an issue whilst submitting the declaration. |
Released | The declaration is now cleared, and by implication, the goods can be released. |
Replaced | The declaration has been replaced by a new one. |
SendingError | There was an issue whilst submitting the declaration. |
Submitted | The declaration has been submitted to the connected system. |
UnloadingPermitted | The goods of a simplified arrival notification may be unloaded. |
Valid | The declaration passed all internal validations. |
WaitingForValidation | Waiting for validation. |
CustomsInformationRequest | Customs information request after physical control |